Parish News and Up Dates!
Christmas Timetable

REVISED CHILD SAFEGUARDING DOCUMENT Click on the link Revised 2023 Child Safeguarding policy with Safety statement.
New Music Ministry Please join us if you would like the opportunity to sing and fill in from time to time when are regular musicians are not available. We are currently meeting on Tuesday evenings at St Marys church at 7 15 pm. See you there!
- Parish Registration
If you are living in the Parish and are not registered as a Parishioner, you would not receive any letters from us, If you wish to receive items, or if you would like to receive the ’Parish Link’ by email weekly please phone the Parish Office in Enniskerry on 01 2760030 .(10am- 1pm Monday-FridayEmail— and Kilmacanogue on 01 2021882. (10am-1pm) Monday-Thursday. Email—
- Come and view our mural This is now in it’s permanent home in the family space at the back of the church. We had a little presentation on Sunday to thank the artist. Once again thank you Doreen. Come and see it!
If you’re not in you can’t win!Click on this link to join
- Hope Task Force Time table here. Click on link. Time table
- Technology! We really need a few younger people to help with technology in the parish. Contact Aideen 0868182241
- A broadcast list for the parish is up and running now. This will be to keep everyone up to date with what is happening in the parish and for easy communication in relation to building our communities. If you would like your name added to the list please contact Aideen 0868182241
- Rosary A group from the parish meets every Wednesday evening, on zoom, from 7.30 – 8pm, to pray the Rosary. Please call or message Sally, 087 4189 338, to be added to the group or for further information.
- A new Facebook page for Enniskerry parish is now up and running and looking for some followers! Check it here!

Céad míle fáilte
Welcome to our Parish website! Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, are returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we’re happy to have you here. We want to make our parish website an interesting and worthwhile location for both parishioners and visitors to keep up to date with what’s happening in our parish. We hope that all parishioners will see it as a useful resource. We welcome your feedback! In the meantime, please look through the resources we’ve made available on these pages.
In our Parish we are fortunate to be living in very beautiful surroundings and even more blessed to have a good community spirit. Our four Church communities work closely with each other and with our Church of Ireland sisters and brothers and celebrate as much as possible in our common liturgies, where we come to meet and afterwards to talk with each other. This doesn’t happen in many places and it is a real sign of true community – a way of life in which we invite you to take part.
Click on the image above to view daily Masses and services from St.Mary’s Church , Enniskerry
St. Mary’s Enniskerry
Schedule for the Week Ahead
MONDAY : 10:15am Mass St. Mary’s and via Parish Webcam
TUESDAY: 10:15am Mass St. Mary’s and via Parish Webcam
WEDNESDAY: 10:15am Prayer Service Lay Led
THURSDAY: 10:15am Mass St. Mary’s and via Parish Webcam
FRIDAY :10:15am Mass and via Parish Webcam
SATURDAY: 10:15am Prayer Services St. Mary’s and via Parish Webcam
SUNDAY: 10am Mass St. Patrick’s, Curtlestown
1st Sunday of the Month – 9am Mass St. Kevin’s Glencree.
SATURDAY: 6pm Mass St. Mary’s viewable on webcam.]
Sunday: 11am Mass – St. Mary’s and viewable on webcam.
St. Mochonog’s, Kilmacanogue
Schedule for the Week Ahead
MONDAY : 10:15am Mass via Parish Webcam St Mary’s Enniskerry
TUESDAY: 10:15am Mass via Parish Webcam. St Mary’s Enniskerry
WEDNESDAY: 10 am mass followed by refreshments (In Person)
THURSDAY: 10:15am Mass via Parish Webcam St Mary’s Enniskerry
FRIDAY :10:15am Mass via Parish Webcam St Mary’s Enniskerry
SATURDAY: 10:15am Prayer Service via Parish Webcam St Mary’s Enniskerry
SUNDAY: 10 am Mass with tea/coffee and chat afterwards
St. Mochonog :Church will be open every day for Private Prayer 10am – 3pm
St. Patrick’s, Curtlestown
Mass at 10am each Sunday
All are welcome
1st Sunday of the Month – 9am Mass
Open for Private Prayer Daily 10am-4pm