The Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary recognises the dignity and rights of all children. We are committed to their protection and support.
We see our children and young people as the future of the Church and actively encourage their participation in Parish life. Our activities will enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development.
We commit ourselves to do all in our power to create a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults in order to secure their protection and to enable their full participation in the life of the Church. We recognise that the welfare of the child is paramount.
The Archdiocese of Dublin Child Safeguarding & Protection Policy and Procedures requires all employees in the Diocese or Parishes and all involved as Volunteers, Ministers or Parish Groups to be Garda Vetted.
On putting the protection of children as an absolute priority, Garda Vetting is required for all Employees, Volunteers, Ministers or Parish Groups involved with Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish.
Please call to the Parish Office and collect a Form and return it as soon as possible or download it here.
Please note our Child Protection Policy is available from the Parish Office and is also available to download here.
There are two Child Protection Representatives in the Parish Celia Flynn and Kathleen Manning who work very closely with our Parish Priest Fr. Bernard Kennedy.
If you wish to discuss this matter please contact Celia or Kathleen or Fr Bernard Kennedy P.P. at the Parish Office. Tel: 01 2760030 . View the revised policy here .Click On the link below.
To download the Staff & Volunteer safeguarding handbook click here
To download the SeeSaw Guidance Handbook click here